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Aarthi, J.

  • Breastfeeding and Early Childhood Caries:A Review

  • Fluoride Release and Recharge of Glass Ionomer Cements

  • Effect of Music on Pain and Anxiety in Pediatric Dental Patients

  • Mixed Dentition Analysis Procedure:A Review

  • Commonly Used Oral Sedatives in Treating Pediatric Patients

  • Passive Immunization Against Streptococcus Mutans

  • Challenges in Shortcomings of Caries Vaccination:An Insight

  • Comparison of the Characteristics of Dental Stem Cells vs. Umbilical Cord Stemcells

  • An Update of Pulpotomy Medicaments in Primary Molars and Shift to Nature

  • Shortcomings of Caries Vaccination

  • Comparison of Microleakage among High Strength Flowable Composites Using Total Etch and Self-Etch Adhesives

  • Facio Genito Popliteal Syndrome―A Review

  • Supernumerary Teeth-Mesiodens―A Case Report

  • Formocresol―Myths and Facts